A magical and soul-stirring piece with beauty musically, emotionally, and artistically.

K-On! The Movie

With some extra sentimental feels and more polished animation, this is a great finisher that fits right in with usual K-On shenanigans.


KyoAni breathes their signature love into this piece, making it another great show for de-stressing and having a stakes-free good time.

Liz and the Blue Bird

I can't remember the last time I literally felt my heart flutter in pure joy at the beauty of something. It feels like it's Christmas morning and you're eight years old again.

Your Lie in April

If you grew up learning any instrument, or even just surrounded by music, specifically classical, this will be a great piece for you. Deeply emotional and poetic, prepare for the cries (and for some distracting tropes).


A short yet emotionally effective piece that manages to convey an entire story in six minutes. The music accentuates the strong sense of nostalgia.

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