What’s a Weeb?

Part of the Weebing 101 Series

First off, why the heck is it called weebery, weebing, weeb, Weeaboo, etc.? According to dictionary.com, its roots are thus:

The word weeaboo came about as a alternative for the term Wapanese, a blend of white or wannabe with JapaneseWapanese was used extensively on the website 4chan in the early 2000s to insult white people who were deemed overly fond of and biased towards Japanese culture, particularly popular exports like anime, manga, and hentai. The abusive term was added to the online Racial Slur Database in 2004.

According to Know Your Meme, Wapanese peaked in 2005, prompting 4chan moderators to apply a special filter replacing all instances of Wapanese with, arbitrarily, weeaboo.

The term weeaboo was coined as a nonsense word without any particular meaning in the comic The Perry Bible Fellowship. Thanks to the word filter, weeaboo took on its current meaning in 2005 and has spread outward from 4chan to other websites.


“Weeaboo” eventually got shortened to “weeb” and subsequently embraced by those it described as a way to poke fun at themselves. It’s almost always used in phrases such as “I’m a filthy weeb” or “F***ing weeb,” etc.

You’ve also probably heard the word Otaku thrown about. Otaku is an actual Japanese term that basically means “geek” or someone with an obsessive interest in a hobby, activity, or subculture. It supposedly has a more negative connotation in Japan than “geek” does in America. Before the term “weeb” took off, the weebs would sometimes refer to themselves as otaku. As far as discrepancy between the terms, someone who today refers to themselves as an Otaku, and not a weeb, is even more of a weeb than one who calls himself weeb, because they are in denial of their degeneracy, making them even that more deplorable.

All tongue-in-cheek of course

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